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Meet Our Team

Malcolm Webb was introduced to investing by his great grandfather, William M. Gilker (1880-1967), a retired engineer with AT&T who purchased shares of the Republic of Texas Corporation for Webb a few days after his birth. Webb began his investment career by initially calculating his net worth, looking up in the Wall Street Journal the stock prices of this company and a few other holdings in his father's handwritten ledger when he was 7 years old. After graduating from Indiana University in 1989 with a degree in Economics and a minor in History, Webb accepted a long-term internship at the United States Trust Company of New York as an Account Assistant in the bank’s investments department, which managed private wealth for individuals, mostly from old-money families in New York City.

Returning to Indiana the following fall, Webb spent eight years in public policy in government relations positions at the Indiana General Assembly, the last six of them as Assistant Director for State Relations at Indiana University. In 1998 Webb was pulled back into the investment world as a stockbroker at J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, a Louisville-based regional brokerage, where he worked for five years before launching his own company, known today as Malcolm Webb Wealth Management. 

Born in Bloomington and raised by his parents, Charles and Kenda Webb, among numerous colorful personalities at the IU Jacobs School of Music, Webb’s involvement in the local community includes five years of service on the Monroe County Animal Management Commission and more than a decade on the City of Bloomington Economic Development Commission. He holds or has held assignments at all five echelons of the Civil Air Patrol, the auxiliary of the US Air Force, whose local squadron hosts a leadership and education program for youth ages 12-18. An instrument-rated pilot, Malcolm also serves as a search-and-rescue air crew member in the Civil Air Patrol. He is a member of the First Methodist Church and has also attended St. Mark's United Methodist Church.  He is a Life Member of the Indiana University Alumni Association. He has volunteered for the USA International Harp Competition and the MCCSC Foundation's Real Men Read program.

Joni Chan 

Joni Chan received an MBA from the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and a doctorate in piano performance from Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music. She is eager to use her diverse background in finance and the arts to serve clients as part of the Malcolm Webb Wealth Management team.

Prior to joining Malcolm Webb Wealth Management, Joni worked in sales and marketing for several Berkeley-based music and education startups. In 2023, she returned to Bloomington and her alma mater, where she has reestablished and deepened her connections with the local community.

In addition to her piano teaching schedule, Joni performs at Meadowood Retirement Home and Jill’s House, and at fundraisers for Habitat for Humanity and Save the Children. In 2024, she was invited to perform for Alzheimer’s patients at the Northwestern Music and Medicine Program in Evanston, IL. 

In her free time, Joni practices yoga, studies classical voice, and experiments with new recipes and cuisines to share with friends.  Born in Hong Kong, Joni is now a U.S. citizen who proudly cast her vote for the first time in the 2024 election. She is excited to join Malcolm Webb Wealth Management, a company whose caring and personal approach aligns with her own values.

Nicole Keller started with Malcolm Webb Wealth Management in September 2024. Prior to working here, her experience included life insurance as a licensed agent, property management as a leasing agent, medicine as a Certified Medical Assistant and consulting as a Certified Personal Trainer. She enjoys exercise, spending time with family and friends, and watching history documentaries with her goldendoodle, Reese. Her family roots run deep within the local community, with her grandfather founding Keller Heating and Air Conditioning over 50 years ago. Nikki graduated with Academic Honors from Edgewood in 2010.